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The Marsh Family Release Their First Animated Music Video


The internet allows talented individuals to find fame who otherwise probably never would have had the exposure otherwise. The Marsh Family are a perfect example, shooting to viral fame during the pandemic. The real life family group consists of Mum and Dad Danielle and Ben and their four children Alfie, Thomas, Ella and Tess. The British family found fame writing and performing songs based on current events. It was enough to attract attention from around the world, leading to TV appearances in the United States as well as the UK. They broke through with a parody of One Day More, although they had been recording parodies since 2018. Since then they have recorded many songs based on current affairs and celebrities and politicians on both sides of the Atlantic.

They don't only record parodies, however. They also write and perform original songs and their latest Cool Kid comes complete with a hand-made animated music video. Italian animator Stefano Bertelli directs the video, which is made in paper-based stop-motion. Bertelli produced the video at Italian paper stop-motion specialist SeenFilm, who have produced work for artists including Eminem, Pink Floyd and N-Sync. The video was completed thanks to funds raised on Kickstarter and Patreon.

The song addresses issues relevant to any youngster today, and that can be found in any school corridor or social media platform, leading people to invent versions of themselves to impress others. The video features the Marsh Family driving in a US-style yellow schoolbus, driving through school corridors and buildings. Along the way bullies are exposed, as their efforts to mock others fall short.

"I guarantee when people hear this song, a name will spring to mind of a person that made them feel this way when they were young. We want the song to take you somewhere different, cos it’s easy to obsess about those people or try to fit around them. But it’s better to leave them to one side and not change who you are too much” says Ella.

“Working on this video with The Marsh Family has been incredibly exciting," said Stefano. " We've made many videos using paper as a medium but, in this case, the meaning of the song and its style gave us the opportunity to create a music video that feels more like a short TV series with scenes that, although brief, evoke the atmosphere of a film. We couldn't help but smile as we brought them to life. We used stop-motion animation for this project. After finalizing the narrative, we began building paper models one by one, capturing each individual frame. It's a 100% handmade effort. Enjoy watching!”

You can stream or purchase the song here and the video can found be below.