Animation First: America's Only French Animation Festival Returns February 11-21
Animation First is North America's only festival dedicated to French animation. The festival is organized by New York's FIAF (French Institute Alliance Francaise) and this year will celebrate its fifth year. This year's event will comprise of both an in-person component from Friday, February 11- Sunday, February 13 and an online program available nationwide from February 11- Monday, February 21. The 2022 event will include 51 premieres, work-in-progress sessions, the second Annual Student Competition, conversations with filmmakers and more.
The Guest of honor this year is Florence Miailhe who will open the festival with a screening of her debut feature The Crossing. In association with The Met Museum, the festival will highlight Disney's influence on French animation and will include a 30th Anniversary Screening of Beauty And The Beast.
A full festival pass will get you access to both the in-person and online events. An online-only pass is also available, and tickets are also available to individual events. Several events are also free to attend.
For full details or to buy a pass, visit the festival's website. The full program is below.