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Web Animation Watch: 'Impotents', 'The Orb Of Wisdom' and more

The internet has done great things for animation. It's made it easier for animators to get their work out there than ever before. But with so much stuff out there, how are you supposed to know what's worth watching?  That's where AFA's Web Animation Watch comes in.

If you've made something that you think would be a good fit for a future installment, drop us a line and let us know.

Impotents was a successful crowdfunding campaign we featured on the site- and now the pilot is online. Created by Grahaeme Cowie and Jeff Cooper of Smoking Doors, it follows the adventures of 'slacker deity' versions of  Jesus, Buddha, Ganesh and Artemis living in the modern world. The first episode is a great start, slickly produced, well animated and with a nice line in edgy humour.

It's always a good day when we can bring you a new edition of Simon's Cat! In this latest edition, 'Fish Tank' the furr-ocious feline tries to help himself to a fishy snack and gets much more than he bargained for. Hilarious!

New from Mashed...  more inspired humour for those who love their videogames, with 'Game Heroes Vs Cutscenes' You won't want to skip this one... Animated by Wonchop and written and directed by Eddie Bowley.

Eric Power, creator of 'Path of Blood' and 'Life on Paper' is back with another very different angle. 'The Orb of Wisdom' is a hilarious spin on fantasy cliches, featuring a lost soul who seeks answers from the titular orb. Featuring Power's excellent trademark paper cut-out style, this time the animator collaborated with writer Andreas Peterson to bring a fresh and funny feel to his work.

The Orb of Wisdom from Eric Power on Vimeo.