The CW Announces Online 'Vixen' Animated DC Series
In the realm of live-action adaptation of US comic-books for the big screen, Marvel is king. On television though, rivals DC are giving them a run for their money. On US TV network The CW there is now a growing universe comprising Arrow, The Flash and with Supergirl in the pipeline. In a surprising move though, they have now announced the first animated show to be set in this universe in the form of Vixen.
US Comic fans will know that Vixen is a female African superhero who first appeared back in 1981. The character (alter ego Mari McCabe) is able to adopt the abilities of animals thanks to her trusty Tantu Totem. The series will reportedly concentrate on her origin and feature appearances of the lead characters from Flash and Arrow as well. The series will air on the network's online offshoot CW Seed in Autumn 2015, and if successful could lead to the character appearing in live-action form as well.
DC Comics have a rich history of animated adaptations, with new versions cropping up all the time, both on children's networks, and in the form of more mature fare like the made-for-home-entertainment animated movies. The new series is building on a rich history of DC animation. In fact, many fans still consider the 1990's Batman The Animated Series the definitive screen version of the Dark Knight to this day, animated or otherwise. Whether this will be any good or whether it will lead to more animation set in the CW-DC-verse however, remains to be seen.