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Simon's Cat "Off To The Vets" Meets Crowdfunding Goal!

We've been keenly following the IndieGoGo campaign for Simon's Cat since it launched a little under a month ago.  The animators were looking to raise £275,850 ( approximately $464,023) to produce their first full colour, 11 minute-long short "Off To The Vets". The campaign runs until Wednesday August 6th, but we're delighted to report the project hit its minimum goal on Sunday.

The team posted their confirmation on the updates page, accompanied by a special thank-you video from Simon himself- and his real-life furry friend!

Wow! We’ve made it!! We’ve reached our target with 4 days left until the end. We’ve all been glued to our computers constantly refreshing the page - edging closer and closer to the goal!

You can still contribute to the project until it closes and, you can now guarantee you'll get your perk. Some of the perks are already sold out (including the signed book option) so you best not hang around. The additional funds raised will go towards making even more Simon's Cat- maybe even more colour episodes. We're big fans of the series, so we're super chuffed for Simon and co. And we can't wait to see the finished film!