The Lego Batman Movie (2017)
Following the unexpected success of The Lego Movie (2014), Warner Bros. Animation further capitalized on the Lego franchise by releasing the much hyped The Lego Batman Movie last week. The film puts the popular side character Lego Batman, an exaggerated version of the dark and brooding Batman of Christopher Nolan's trilogy, from the core film at the center of his own movie where he learns how to allow himself to become a part of a family again. The film is great fun and full of sharp comedic wit, however, it does fall just short of its predecessor in terms of overall quality.
Batman must learn how to become not just part of a team, but a family. |
In The Lego Batman Movie, Batman (voiced by Will Arnett) enjoys solid success as the caped crusader consistently rescuing Gotham City in between his silent and lonely life as Bruce Wayne in the Wayne Manor. When the Joker (voiced by Zach Galifianakis) realizes that he isn't Batman's greatest enemy and Barbara Gordon (voiced by Rosario Dawson) takes over as Gotham City Commissioner with a plan for law enforcement to work in tandem with Batman, the DC hero finds his world turned upside down. All of this in addition to the fact that he's now accidentally become the adopted father to the optimistic and naive Richard Grayson aka Robin (voiced by Michael Cera). Batman must learn how to open himself up and become a team with Robin, Barbara, and his ever supportive butler, Alfred (voiced by Ralph Fiennes), in order to figure out the Joker's dastardly scheme and save Gotham City once more.
In learning Batman doesn't think of him as his greatest enemy, Joker sets out to prove Batman otherwise. |
The animation in the film is once again solid and even a step up from its predecessor, retaining that plastic Lego feel in a CG animated world. The world feels more realized and there are a plethora of characters and references that the movie will require multiple viewings in order to catch them all. It's a very active world chock full of detail that if you blink you're sure to miss out on something.
Everything is awesome! |
FORMATS | Cinema Release |
FROM | Warner Bros Animation |
RATING | G [US] U [UK] |
RUNNING TIME | 1hr 44min |