Web Animation Watch: Harry Potter As 80's Anime, Russian Dancing Men and More...
The very first web animation we featured here on AFA was the ace Star Wars meets 80's Anime from Shamoozal and Nacho Punch. Now they've teamed up again to bring together another giant of pop culture with the 1980's anime aesthetic. This time it's Harry Potter, produced in the style of a cyberpunk anime. Specifically, the short riffs on classic Akira, as well as other less well-known anime of the period (such as Dominion Tank Police). Much like the Star Wars piece, this does a brilliant job- authentic both in its anime stylings and it's bringing to life of JK Rowling's characters. Also much like the Star Wars anime... it'll leave you wishing it was for real!
New from AFA fave Weebl and Eddie Bowley is the first episode of a new series Russian Dancing Men. Inspired by one of Weebl's many catchy songs, the new series has a nifty visual style and the usual inspired humour and great voice acting you expect from a Weebl production. The first episode sees the eponymous Russians head to the Winter Olympics...
The crew at How It Should Have Ended can always be relied on for a giggle. This time they've turned their sights on none other than Disney's Frozen.
Are you a web animator who's produced something you'd like to see in a future Web Animation Watch? Drop us a line.