Secret Of Kells, The (2009)

As you may have gathered this is quite a different proposition to your average Pixar or Dreamworks animation. It's setting alone would make it seem original, but it is the execution that makes it unique.
Despite the grounding in true events, don't mistake this for some dry history lesson. It's true that most audiences outside of Ireland won't understand the significance of the historical elements, but this isn't really a problem. The filmmakers use considerable artistic licence, adding fantasy and supernatural elements you won't find in a History textbook. It is perfectly enjoyable on its own terms, without knowing a single thing about the real story. It's also worth a mention that despite revolving around monks, and being based on the creation of religious manuscripts, this film doesn’t really have a religious element to it all. The presence of fairies and mythical creatures means it has a much more mythical feel, rather than any real tie to Irish Catholicism.
Visually, the Secret of Kells is one of the most fascinating traditionally animated films of recent years. The character designs are simplistic and cartoonish, but contrast with the rest of the film. Almost every frame is full of rich textures that give the film a sumptuous look. Despite giving it a modern spin, the visuals deliberately recall classic Illuminations and Celtic art, evoking beautifully the Book Of Kells itself. The music too seems to perfectly suit the movie. Along with the visual aesthetic, the result is a film that could only have originated on the Emerald Isle; The Secret of Kells is as Irish as Wallace and Gromit are British.
For much of the running time I felt the story felt as if it was aimed at young children, yet later it ventures into darker territory. The Vikings and presented as intimidating, almost supernatural creatures, that look like the Lord of The Rings' Dark Riders but sound like Dr Claw from Inspector Gadget. Their eventual arrival at Kells results in a fantastic, thrilling sequence, but it might be a bit scary for younger children.
In a world where most animated films are packed with pop culture references and big-name stunt-casting (the only recognisable name here is Brendon Gleeson), The Secret of Kells is refreshing. It's a simple tale, told with considerable flair. It's about time The Secret was out.